lactase persistence造句


  1. Lactase persistence is an example of such recent evolution.
  2. A at position-22018, have been independently linked to lactase persistence.
  3. The genetic variations for lactase persistence and greater height came with the Yamna people.
  4. The evolutionary processes driving the rapid spread of lactase persistence in some populations are not known.
  5. Subsequent research revealed intolerance was more common globally than lactase persistence, and that the variation was genetic.
  6. It's difficult to find lactase persistence in a sentence. 用lactase persistence造句挺难的
  7. :: : Some human populations have developed Lactase persistence, in which lactase production continues into adulthood.
  8. Genetic analysis shows lactase persistence has developed several times in different places independently in an example of convergent evolution.
  9. The greater diversity of lactase persistence alleles in Africa is said to be the product of a soft selective sweep.
  10. In contrast, for societies which did not engage in pastoral behaviors, no selective advantage exists for lactase persistence.
  11. :: : The ability to digest lactose into adulthood ( known as " lactase persistence " ) is a likely candidate.
  12. Among East African and Middle Eastern groups, the  " 13915 T / G mutation is the most prominent allelic contributor to lactase persistence.
  13. :It's more accurate to call it " lactase persistence ", as baby humans have always had the enzyme ( lactase ) that digests lactose.
  14. Additionally, the specimen was homozygous C / C for the LP-13910-C / T lactase persistence SNP, indicating that he was lactose intolerant.
  15. In 2009 Thomas led a computer simulation study indicating that lactase persistence started to co-evolve with the culture of dairying in the LBK ( Linearbandkeramik ) culture.
  16. Studies have linked the occurrence of lactase persistence to two different single-nucleotide polymorphisms about 14 and 22 kilobases upstream of the 5-end of the LPH gene.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "lactariuss"造句
  2. "lactase"造句
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  5. "lactase enzyme"造句
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  7. "lactate acidosis"造句
  8. "lactate dehydrogenase"造句
  9. "lactate dehydrogenase a"造句
  10. "lactate dehydrogenase b"造句

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